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They ask me what I do & who I do it for

Writer's picture: Erica NicoleErica Nicole

Hello my loves,

It’s been a year since I started my blog, yasss bish yass (Soulja Boy voice haha). But I never shared why I decided to start blogging so let’s get into it.

1) The most obvious reason is my love for writing. At the tender age of 8 my obsession with writing began. When I write the possibilities are endless and I can say whatever I want to say without hearing somebody’s judgements and opinions. If you truly know me then you know I don’t give two fucks about other people’s opinion on my life. Any who, something about putting the pen to the paper or typing out my thoughts gives me a high lol. (By the way, I’m not a smoker.)

2) I don’t care what the old heads say, but being a millennial is challenging. Rent is high as hell, college cost as much as your annually salary will be for your career, you want to travel but shits expensive, and love is a sinking ship like never before. Like I said nothing is easy about being a millennial. In my opinion the 90’s babies could relate to some of my life experiences and I wanted an opportunity to let other millennials know you’re not the only one trying to figure out how to master life. Let’s be real millennials, everybody looks like they’re living their best lives on social media but in reality most of us are winging it for now. In the words of SZA, “God bless these 20 somethings.”

3) My last and final reason is simple, I want to inspire somebody. I have career and materialistic goals that I can control, but leaving this Earth knowing I made an imprint on somebody’s life means everything to me. For me personally, I love how some of my favorite people on IG such as Darealbbjudy or Supa Cent uplifts me with their inspirational words, motivational speeches, and life stories. I’m striving to be that same person to somebody else.

Well, thank you to everyone who’s been riding with me through my writing journey. I have so many rants, life stories, and opinions I’ll be sharing in 2019.

Much Love,

Erica Nicole

“I will leave my mark so everyone will know I was here.” – Beyonce

My loves. Millennials. Squad Goals. 90's babies.

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