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Breaking Bad habits + Weekend Detox

Writer's picture: Erica NicoleErica Nicole

Disclaimer: I didn't intend to go MIA for a month but at this point y'all know consistency isn't my strong point.

"Don't let your mind bully your body."

This summer has been a vibe. It's giving summer 2016, and outside had me in a chokehold for the first half of the summer until I saw a number on the scale that I haven't seen in over a year and a half. I've noticed the weight gain since April, but I shrugged it off and keep eating like a queen from Insomnia cookies to weekly catfish platters to numerous margaritas. But I knew between my poor eating habits, Tiktok recommending new black owned restaurants, and PCOS (causes excessive weight gain rapidly) that I would be back at square one if I didn't gain some self control and discipline quickly.

In addition to breaking poor food habits, another goal was to commit to a morning and night routine. July was a great turning point for me. On July 10th I started a vegetarian lifestyle with limited dairy. Outside of weight gain I had started experiencing an ongoing Crohn's flair up and since going plant base was too extreme for me I decided that cutting out meat and reducing dairy intake would be the most beneficial on top of finding eating low carb bread options. Then on July 12th I committed to a morning routine which is now known as my hot girl routine, and as of July 31st I have a night routine, but I'm not as consistent with it like I am with my morning routine.

Within 2 weeks I noticed several differences. I wasn't waking up bloated as much and I was able to stomach food again without feeling like I was going to vomit. Then the weight was starting to come off as I was walking everyday (part of the morning routine) and using a calorie counting app to practice calorie deficit.

It's currently been 39 days since I've had any meat and originally I didn't have a cut off date, but after 45 days which is coincidentally my birthday I'm going back to seafood. However I did decide after being pollo pescatarian for 2 years and due to how my body feels plus the ongoing things I keep reading about chicken I've decided to be fully pescatarian. The thought of no more lemon pepper wings is scary but my overall health is more important, and jackfruit is a tasty substitute for chicken.

As of this week I've lost 10 lbs and I'm 2 lbs away from original weight lost weight, and I'm so proud of myself for naturally losing weight for the second time and doing it within 5 weeks. I struggle with discipline and consistency, but when I get my mind right I know how to buckle down and handle business. One of my worst fears is being fat (no shade to my BBW girlies) and whether I like it or not as a PCOS and Crohn's baddie I have to watch what I eat and make exercising 3 times a week a priority.

One bad habit is broken and creating a new habit of following a morning routine has been challenging but doable. Earlier this year I read "The Miracle Morning" by Hal Elrod (available on my Amazon shop) and I attempted to establish a routine twice but I quit both times, and so far third times a charm. I'm five weeks into it and outside of skipping exercising three times I've been consistent.

My routine consistent of prayer, affirmations, reviewing my vision boards, exercising, planning out my day, journaling, taking vitamins, and enjoying breakfast while I listen to an audiobook related to self help or strengthen the mind. It may seem like I'm doing a lot, but this routine takes an hour and a half and sometimes it's shorter depending on how long I plan to exercise that morning, and no matter how tired I feel I get this routine done Monday-Friday before I start work. The weekends are a break from so much structure.

I strongly recommend praying to a higher power or mediating, saying positive things to yourself, getting physically active at least three times a week, and buy a journal or use Goodnotes or a journal app. Personally I use an app called Prompt Journal which gives me a new question to respond to every morning and the app Structured is great for planning your day and being mindful of time. Also an audio or kindle book I highly recommend is "Atomic Habits" and I plan to listen to this book once every quarter to remind me why I can't afford to go back to old habits. These subtle changes is slowly shifting my mindset and helping me practice self-love and building up my mental and self-esteem.

Taking care of my body and mental is top priority and this time around I'm taking it seriously. These changes are just the beginning of getting myself and my life on a better path. In addition to what I'm already doing I did a weekend detox last weekend. Completing a detox was on my bingo card and I had failed the previous two times I tried to do it, but since other new habits have been successful I figured my mental was stronger to endure it this time.

During the detox I was off of social media, I did the 3 day renew life detox pills, and I only had fruit, smoothies, and a salad daily. I ended up having the weekend off from bartending so I went to a smoothie shop every morning for a smoothie, and I spent most of my morning at two different coffee/co-work spaces. I also attended an AI masterclass on Sunday. This detox showed me that it's always mind over matter, and honestly my mental was better without the socials. I also got a lot accomplished within one weekend such as creating and finishing one of my digital products (release date is coming soon). I encourage anybody reading this to unplug from the socials and modify your eating habits for a few days and see how you feel afterwards. A lot of negative vibes and thoughts are linked to our poor habits and eating choices. I'm not perfect nor am I an expert but I noticed a change and I want the people around me including my reader babes to experience a positive change as well.

Now it's time to celebrate....

My birthday is less than a week away and for the first time in years I'm excited to be getting older. I've met most of my goals which is establishing a routine, practicing a healthier lifestyle, and losing some weight. Depending on my work schedule this weekend I'll be able to complete my last goal which is finishing the digital products and having my Etsy shop ready for purchase by next weekend.

For some reason writing this made me tear up. God has brought me a long way and y'all have been here for the journey. I don't know what the future holds especially with my contract job but my mental is better, my health is fine, and God is blessing me to see chapter twenty-great. The road to becoming that girl is in motion and these next two years is all gas no breaks. Shout out to Yan Snead who tweeted, "This chapter of my life is called watch how I run it up with nothing but imagination and passion."

"You gotta get on your zoom, every morning you gotta to get on your zoom at ten."

- A black lady from Tiktok

P.S. check out one of my quick affirmations

Hot girl affirmation

You’re that girl, mentally, financially, spiritually, & physically.

Anxiety doesn’t have a hold on me.

There’s plenty of money & I have it.

I’m living in luxury & abundance.

My heart is pure.

My skin is clear.

My ass is phat.

My stomach is flat.

And somebody’s son loves me down, real bad!


A Houston Hottie

Make sure your following me on all social media platforms including

Tiktok: erica_nicolexo

Positive news: Your girl got approved for an Amazon storefront and please checkout my store and shop with me.'s a category for wellness and books that I recommend as well.

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